Download and install MATLAB runtime package | MATLAB

Download and install MATLAB runtime package | MATLAB

In this tutorial, we will learn how to download and install MATLAB runtime package. MATLAB runtime allows to run compiled MATLAB applications or components without having MATLAB installed on a target machine.

Usage of MATLAB runtime

MATLAB runtime enables you to create and distribute applications, simulations, or software components created using MATLAB/Simulink. It allows to run compiled MATLAB/Simulink applications to run without having MATLAB installed on a target machine.

Approach 1: Using command window in MATLAB

Run the following command inside the MATLAB command window to start the download. Once, the download completes the matlab will provide the relevant (.zip).

MATLAB runtime download using MATLAB command window

Depending on the MATLAB runtime version the download size may vary from 15 GB and can take significant download time.

Approach 2: Using MATLAB runtime webpage

The MATLAB runtime package can be download from the official MATLAB website using the following link:
MATLAB Runtime – MATLAB Compiler – MATLAB (

The web page offers multiple versions for MATLAB Runtime and the user can download the relevant package as per their requirements.

MATLAB runtime download using webpage

Once the download completes you can unzip the MATLAB runtime package(.zip) and proceed to installation.

The MATLAB runtime is version specific.

Installing MATLAB runtime


[1] Unzip the MATLAB Runtime installer (.zip) package.

For example:

Right-click the zip file and select extract all.

[2] Double-click the file setup.exe from the extracted files to start the installer.

[3] Default installation folder: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\MATLAB Runtime\R2022a


[1] Unzip the MATLAB Runtime installer (.zip) at the terminal using the unzip command.

For example:

If you are unzipping the R2022a MATLAB Runtime installer then at the terminal type:


[2] At the terminal type:

sudo -H ./install

You may need to allow the root user to access the running X server:

  • xhost +SI:localuser:root

  • sudo -H ./install

  • xhost -SI:localuser:root

[3] Default installation folder: /usr/local/MATLAB/MATLAB_Runtime/R2022a


[1] Unzip the MATLAB Runtime installer (.zip) at the terminal using the unzip command.

For example:

If you are unzipping the R2022a MATLAB Runtime installer then at the terminal type:


[2] At the terminal type:

sudo -H ./install

[3] Default installation folder: /Applications/MATLAB/MATLAB_Runtime/R2022a

On Linux or MAC platform you have to setup the path environment variables MATLAB runtime to work properly. For instructions on setting the path environment variables, see official guide on how to Set MATLAB Runtime Path for Deployment.

Checking MATLAB runtime version

Use mcrversion in command window to return the return MATLAB Runtime version number that matches MATLAB version.

Use mcrinstaller in command window to return version and location information for MATLAB Runtime installer corresponding to your current platform.

  • Note
    If MATLAB runtime is not already installed on your system it displays you the option to download it via MATLAB command window:

    mcrinstaller not finding MATLAB runtime package